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Video marketing for lawyers?


Video marketing for lawyers? That’s a question that’s been coming up more and more lately. Lawyers have the unique challenge of needing to explain their services in a way that can’t be done with just text, but also don’t have the resources – or time – to create high-quality videos themselves. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways for lawyers to take advantage of video marketing without breaking the bank: from hiring someone else to make your videos for you (like us!) all the way down to simply using free software like Camtasia Studio or ScreenFlow.

Video marketing for lawyers?

Video marketing for lawyers?

Video marketing is a powerful way to get your message across and build trust with potential clients. But it’s not just about making videos and posting them on YouTube; you have to use the right tools and techniques if you want to succeed at video marketing for lawyers. Here are some tips:

  • Start with the end in mind – What are you trying to achieve by using video? Are you hoping that people will watch it, share it, or buy something from you after watching? If so, then make sure that everything else comes second! If not… well then maybe this isn’t right for your business at all!

Creating videos for your lawyer practice can be a great way to draw in new clients and get the word out about your firm.

Video marketing for lawyers can be a great way to connect with potential clients and clients alike, as well as draw in new business. The benefits of video marketing include:

  • You get to show off your personality and sense of humor, which will help people feel more comfortable working with you.
  • Video content is searchable on Google, so if someone searches for “how do I file bankruptcy,” a video explaining the process will rank higher than static content (like blog posts or articles). This means that people looking for information about legal issues will see your videos first!
  • If someone watches one of your videos, they’ll likely watch more because they like what they see in the first place. This increases engagement rate and keeps them coming back again and again.*

Video marketing for lawyers?

Video marketing is more than just Facebook Live or YouTube. You can use video marketing to share testimonials, educate clients on how to resolve their legal issues, and even connect with potential customers who may have questions about your services.

Video marketing can be a great way to draw in new clients by providing information that’s valuable for them online–and also helping you stand out from the crowd!

Video marketing for lawyers?

But before you jump into creating a “how-to” video or testimonial for your business, there are some things you should keep in mind.

  • Video content should be relevant to your business: If it’s not, then no one will watch it. It’s as simple as that. If I’m looking for information about how to get my personal injury case settled faster, I’m not going to watch an informative video about how best practices can help increase efficiency at law firms.
  • Don’t use video to promote products or services that don’t relate to your business: This is another way of saying “don’t try too hard.” The goal here isn’t just visibility; it’s also trustworthiness and credibility–two things people value highly when choosing an attorney over another one who may offer similar services but appear less trustworthy because they’ve tried too hard (and thus come across as desperate). To build trust with potential clients who aren’t even sure if they want legal representation yet requires showing yourself off as someone who is confident enough not only in his/her own abilities but also comfortable enough within their own skin so as not feel like they need anything else besides themselves!

Video marketing for lawyers?

First off, don’t try to do everything yourself. There’s no need to purchase expensive equipment and editing software – when you’re starting out you can find plenty of free tools online that will help make your videos look professional without the steep learning curve associated with expensive programs like Adobe Premiere Pro.

The best part? Most of these tools are available on your phone or tablet! So if something comes up in the middle of a shoot, there’s no need for panic: just pull out your phone and edit it there instead (or even better yet – have someone else do it).

Video marketing is a great way for lawyers to connect with potential clients and clients alike

Video marketing is a great way to connect with clients. If you’re like most lawyers, you don’t have time to meet with every new client in person. Video marketing allows you to reach out and touch them without leaving your office or spending hours on the phone. In addition, video content can be used as part of social media advertising campaigns–for example, Facebook Live is becoming more popular among law firms as a way to engage their audience through live broadcasts.

Video marketing can also be used for sharing testimonials from satisfied customers or educating potential clients about how they might resolve their legal issues themselves (without having to pay an attorney).


Video marketing is a great way for lawyers to connect with potential clients and clients alike. The best part about it is that there are plenty of free tools online that will help make your videos look professional without the steep learning curve associated with expensive programs like Adobe Premiere Pro.

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