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How Law Firm Marketing Blogs Can Increase Traffic?

A blawg is the name given to a blog that is specific to law firms. It has the ability to market your website online in a powerful and innovative way and can provide many benefits to your law firm and your website’s conversion rate.

Blogs are becoming increasingly popular and these days it’s actually unusual to find a small business that has a website without a blog attached to it, and that goes for law firms as well.

Legal content bloggers should share news & updates

Blogs are by nature constantly updated with new content and information. That makes them a great medium for keeping your current clients updated on all the goings on in your law firm, but also to show your potential future clients that you run a transparent business and you can be trusted as you share with your clients proving that you value them in your business.

This is also a great opportunity to share anything with your clients that might boost your reputation such as recent awards and honors your law firm has gotten as well as the cases that you have won and the progress of your ongoing cases.

Law firm blogs can boost search marketing

Search engine marketing has everything to do with links pointing back to your site. That’s because in order to be considered highly relevant by the search engines, you have to prove to Google that you’re a reputable source of high quality information.

There’s no better way to do that than to have many pieces of online content pointing to your website and helping you to rank for the specific keywords in your online marketing campaign.

Law firm marketing blogs can also Improve SEO

The more times a website is updated, the more search engine robots will value that website. If you make a beautiful website and never update it, both robots and human visitors will gradually have less and less of a reason to visit.

A blog is a good way to constantly add new content to your website and prove that you still relevant in the law community. Also, throughout your blogs you can include links both out of your site and to other pages on your own site, which makes your website more connected, and improves accessibility.

Legal marketing blogs can help build a community

Your website is usually a place of legal advertising; it may also be educational and provide information. However, just as you wouldn’t announce all of your beliefs the second a potential client walks through the door, you’re usually going to be a bit conserved with your opinions on your website.

A blog is completely the opposite. A blog is where readers expect to see your thoughts and beliefs, where you can start discussions with people around the world. If you update regularly, post interesting pieces and respond thoughtfully to your reader’s comments, you will eventually build a sturdy and flourishing community of readers and writers.

Legal content writing can help display your firm’s activity

Your firm is constantly changing and moving. While your law firm website stays static, you’re working on a multitude of different cases, meeting new people, attending events, and making additions to your team.

When a potential visitors comes to your website and sees that everything is the same, they miss out on the moving energy of your firm. Use your blog not only as a place to share educational information with your readers, but also to share your firm’s latest successes and changes. This will help visitors make an emotional relationship with your attorneys and feel closer to them as they make their hiring decisions.

Allow customers to feel like they already know your firm by posting information that directly relates to cases you have taken. This will draw potential clientele in as they will feel like they already know your company without even stepping foot in to the physical office.

What is SEO for lawyers?

1 thought on “How Law Firm Marketing Blogs Can Increase Traffic?”

  1. Pingback: 5 Legal Digital Marketing Tips to Improve Your Online Presence - MARKETING FOR LAWYERS

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